Hi, I've only just registered on the forum but happy to say I've been using all 4 'pedias for a while now, since switching from DL (never looked back).
I'm just wondering what prompted the changes to the collection icons on the v4.4 update. The bright green icons in particular just don't look as good as the old ones - is there a way of switching them back ?
Glad you were able to find the old icons to add. They will reset during an update as the whole program package is updated. But download the source icon updater file and then inside this file replace the old borrowed and library with the new ones from the program. Then all you have to do after an update is drag the .pediaextras file over the Pedia icons on the dock to install the images.
You do make a point about the darker icons, will take a look at them again and try to update them for the next version.