Search found 8 matches

by music_not_rap
Tue Sep 17, 2013 9:28 pm
Forum: PediaTalk
Topic: Wishlist CDpedia 2013
Replies: 13
Views: 30436

Re: Wishlist CDpedia 2013

The beta works great - thank you!
by music_not_rap
Mon Sep 16, 2013 8:22 pm
Forum: PediaTalk
Topic: Wishlist CDpedia 2013
Replies: 13
Views: 30436

Re: Wishlist CDpedia 2013

I'd like to see a way for CDPedia to ignore "The" when it comes various artist compilations in the "Tracks" section. When I want to see the artist listing in alpha order, CDPedia will sort them as though the "t" in "The" is part of the name. I've had to delete...
by music_not_rap
Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:42 pm
Forum: PediaTalk
Topic: Search not working for various artists comps
Replies: 11
Views: 32263

Re: Search not working for various artists comps

Thank you for your reply. I am looking forward to using Pocketpedia. Also, I may have used what appeared to be a harsh tone, and I apologize for that.
by music_not_rap
Sun Apr 22, 2012 8:21 am
Forum: PediaTalk
Topic: Search not working for various artists comps
Replies: 11
Views: 32263

Re: Search not working for various artists comps

Nope, it still doesn't work. Also, you haven't addressed the issue of various artists CD's not listing the artist, just the song title. I'm assuming because the artist doesn't show is the reason for the search coming up short. If the artist is not listed then I am assuming a search cannot find what ...
by music_not_rap
Sat Apr 21, 2012 12:15 pm
Forum: PediaTalk
Topic: Search not working for various artists comps
Replies: 11
Views: 32263

Search not working for various artists comps

I didn't know quite where to place this topic but I thought this was as good a place as any. When I do a search it does not consider any compilations that have more than one artist, only the song titles themselves. For example, if I search for "grapes" it will find songs that have "gr...
by music_not_rap
Mon May 23, 2011 9:07 pm
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: "Date Added" request for CD/DVD Pedias
Replies: 2
Views: 4602

Re: "Date Added" request for CD/DVD Pedias

"use the Edit menu > Mark as > Bought). Today's date will automatically be entered into the 'Purchased On' field."

This is actually a good method for me to use; I just wasn't aware of this. Thanks!
by music_not_rap
Sun May 22, 2011 8:11 pm
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: "Date Added" request for CD/DVD Pedias
Replies: 2
Views: 4602

"Date Added" request for CD/DVD Pedias

I will often add a CD or DVD (whichever program I am using) to my "Wish List", and the "Date Added" is, of course, the date I first list it. If and when I actually do buy the disc, I drag the title from the Wish List to my Library, but the "Date Added" does not change a...
by music_not_rap
Sun Apr 24, 2011 10:50 am
Forum: Feature Requests
Topic: Checking For Missing Cover Art
Replies: 1
Views: 3805

Checking For Missing Cover Art

Hi, I was wondering if you would consider adding the feature (if it is even possible) of scanning the CD library for entries that are missing cover art. I have several CD's catalogued that I know when I first added them the cover art was not available at the time. It would sure beat having to highli...